Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy and its Addendum(s) (“Policy”) describe how Samson Sdn Bhd (“Samson”, “We”,”Us”,”Our”) collect, use, process and disclose your Personal Data which you provided to Samson when interacting or by using our services, including but not limited to our mobile applications (apps). In this respect, you shall be responsible for providing accurate, not misleading, complete and up-to-date personal information to Samson and consent to the processing of these personal information by Samson. Samson shall have the right to modify, update or amend the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time by placing the updated Privacy Policy on the apps. By continuing to interact with Samson or by continuing to use Samson’s services following the modifications, updates or amendments to this Privacy Policy shall signify your acceptance of such modifications, updates or amendments. “Personal Data” is any information which provided by you to Samson and any information that can be used to identify you or from which you are identifiable.

2. Collection of personal data

Samson collects personal information from you when register with us such as but not limited to your name, contact details, NRIC/passport no, email address, and any other information require for the purpose as set out below. Samson also collects personal information when you complete any customer survey. The provision of your personal information is voluntary.

3. Use of personal data

Personal information collected by Samson is used to (without limitation):

  • To process your membership application
  • To operate your account
  • To make decision in relation to member, including (without limitation), suspend the provision of service or terminate membership
  • To confirm, enhance and update your records
  • To monitor volume and spend information
  • To conduct market research and/or statistical analysis including without limitation consumer behaviour
  • To identify and prevent fraud
  • For marketing purpose
  • To communicate and promote our offers
  • To reply enquiries
  • To fulfil your request including redemption request
  • To verify your identity

4. Disclosure of personal data

Your rights with respect to your personal data. Your personal data will be kept confidential. However, such personal data may provide to the following parties for the purpose set out above:
  • To our business partner and/or other company that is permitted to supply products and/or services to members
  •  Any agent, service provider and its affiliates
  •  Any person who Samson propose to transfer any of its rights and/or duties relating programme
  •  Any other person required or permitted by law or regulatory authority
  •  All parties mention above are require to protect the confidentiality of the personal data they received

5. Retention of personal data

Samson retain your personal data for the period necessary to fulfil the purpose outlined in this policy unless a longer retention period id required or allowed by law. We will take steps to erase, destroy, anonymise or prevent access or use of such personal data for any purpose other than compliance with this policy, security, in accordance with the requirement of applicable law once your personal data Is no longer necessary for the services or purpose or we no longer have legal; or business purpose for retaining your personal data.

6. Access and correction of personal data

The act allows you the right to access and correct your personal data that you submitted. You may update your personal data simply by accessing “update profile” on our apps, or you may contact our customer service for further assistance.

7. Third party personal data

You shall ensure that the third party has read this privacy notice and consent us collecting his/her personal data for any of the purpose in the event of personal data of third-party is provided by you.


For any queries, concerns or complaints in relation to our handling of your Personal Data, please contact us at,