Terms & Conditions

These terms of use (“Terms”) govern your use of the mobile application provided by Samson Sdn Bhd (hereinafter referred to as “Samson”, “we”, “us” or “our”, as the case may be). please read the terms carefully. By accessing and using the platforms, you agree that you have read, understood and accepted the terms including any additional terms and conditions and any policies referenced herein. If you do not agree or fall within the terms, please do not use the platforms.
1.0. Membership
1.1. Membership is free. Only natural person who have reached age of 18 and above may apply to be member. You may register as a member with us following the procedures set in our platform subject to these terms and conditions and our approval or rejection at our sole and absolute discretion.
1.2. It is a must to obtain consent from parent(s) or legal guardian(s), who by accepting these terms shall agree to take responsibly for your actions and any charges associated with your use of platform for users below age of 18. Users must stop using/accessing the platform if users do not have the consent from your parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
1.3. you are required to provide us your personal information upon registration and from time to time during the term of your membership. Your personal information will be processed by us in accordance with the privacy policy published on our platform (“privacy policy”).
1.4. You shall ensure that all the information provided to us are complete, accurate and truthful and keep up to date from time to time. You shall promptly notify us in the event that there are changes to your personal information submitted to us.
1.5. You shall ensure that the third party has read the privacy notice and consent us process his/her personal data in accordance with the privacy policy in the event of personal data of third-party is provided by you.
1.6. Upon successful register as a member, you will able to access the platform as a member and enjoy the relevant Samson programme benefits under the Samson programme subject to these terms and conditions. All Samson programme benefit are non-transferable and non-assignable to third party.
1.7. Samson may amend these terms at any time. We highly recommend you to read these terms regularly and you will deemed to have agreed to the amended terms by your continued use of the platforms following the date on which the amended terms are posted.

2.0. Account
2.1. You shall only own 1 account and we assume that anyone using your account or transacting through your account is you.
2.2. You responsible for keeping the password safe and are advise not to share the password with anyone and agree to keep it secret all the times.
2.3. You shall promptly notify us if there is authorised access to your account.
2.4. We reserve the right to suspense or terminate your account if we have reason to believe that:
2.4.1. Someone other than user is using the Mama Food account or
2.4.2. Where users are suspected or discovered to have been involved in any activity or conduct that is in breach of these Terms, our policies and guidelines, or involved in activity or conduct which we deem in our sole discretion to be an abuse of the Platforms.

3.0. Policies
The use of the Platform and/or the Services and the Membership shall be subject to the Policies as may be developed and imposed on the relevant users by us from time to time. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following Policies shall apply to the relevant users:
3.1. Membership policy
3.2. Samson programme benefit policy
3.3. Gift and redemption policy
3.4. Delivery policy

4.0. Risk
Risk of damage to or loss of the Goods and/or Services shall pass to you at the time of delivery or, if you wrongfully fail to take delivery of the Goods and/or Services, the time when delivery of the Goods and/or Services has been tendered. Unless otherwise agreed by us, we shall not be liable for any damage to or loss of the Goods and/or Services from the time when risk passes to you.

5.0. Third party’s information, Goods and/or services
you may order services or merchandise or participation the promotions of advertisers through our platform from third parties (“third party information, Goods and/or Services”). All matters concerning the merchandise and services desired from the third parties, including but not limited to purchase terms, payment terms, warranties, guarantees, maintenance and delivery, are solely between you and the third parties. Samson makes no warranties or representations whatsoever with regard to any goods or services provided by the third parties. You will not consider Samson nor will Samson be construed as a party to such transactions, whether or not Samson may have received some form of revenue or other remuneration in connection with the transaction or be liable for any costs or damages arising out of, either directly or in directly, you or any other person involved or related to the transaction.

6.0. Modification to these terms of services
Samson may from time to time at its sole discretion and for any reasons, amend, update, or discontinue temporary or permanently the services with or without notice and without liability to you or any other party.

7.0. User’s obligations and terms of use
7.1. You shall comply with all applicable law, regulations, and all rules, policies, guidelines, and instructions as imposed or may be imposed by all relevant statutory/ governmental bodies and/or authorities from time to time.
7.2. The platforms, services and/or all information contained on, in or made available through the Membership, Platform and/or the Services shall be collectively referred to as the “Platform/Information”, and reference to “Platform/Information” shall include any part thereof. Except as expressly set out in this Agreement or expressly authorised by us in writing, you shall not and shall not attempt to, whether by yourself or by allowing any third party to:
7.2.1. Upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material that is unlawful, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, menacing, harmful, indecent, vulgar, obscene, profane, false, defamatory or offensive in character, sexually oriented, racially offensive and/or contains racial slurs, condemning other parties’ products and services; inaccurate, or otherwise objectionable material that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violates any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation or encourage the use of controlled substances or is otherwise illegal or contrary to law. For the purpose of the immediately preceding sentence, “masked” vulgarity, obscenity or profanity is deemed to be equivalent to including the actual objectionable word, phrase or symbol in your post, message or otherwise in the platform. Samson reserves the right to delete any such material from the platform
7.2.2. Use the Services to harm minors in any way, or promote any dealings with minors of a sexual nature
7.2.3. Impersonate any person or entity, whether actual or fictitious including, but not limited to, a Samson employee, consultant, official, forum leader, guide or host, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity. You further agree not to use an inappropriate member name of any kind
7.2.4. Post or use the platform to distribute or send illegal material of any kind, including but not limited to, illegal material in the form of text, graphics, videos, programmes or audio. Posting content or participating in any form of discussion with the intention to commit any illegal activity is strictly prohibited
7.2.5. Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to hide your identity or disguise the origin of any Contents transmitted through the Services
7.2.6. Upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Contents that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements)
7.2.7. Upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Contents that infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party
7.2.8. Upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas (such as shopping rooms) that are designated for such purpose
7.2.9. Upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programmes designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment
7.2.10. Disrupt the normal flow of dialogue, cause a screen to “scroll” faster than other users of the Services are able to type, or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other users’ ability to engage in real time exchanges
7.2.11. Interfere with or disrupt the Services or servers or networks connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Services
7.2.12. Intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national or international law including rules and regulations promulgated by any applicable regulatory organisation or governmental entity
7.2.13. “Frame” the site or any web pages thereon
7.2.14. “Stalk” or otherwise harass another
7.2.15. Collect or store personal data about other users
7.3. You agree that you must evaluate, and bear all risks associated with, the use of any Contents, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such Contents
7.4. You acknowledge and agree that Samson may store or disclose the Contents if required to do so by law, by an order of court or by an applicable regulatory authority, or in the good faith belief that such storage or disclosure is reasonably necessary to
7.4.1. Comply with legal process;
7.4.2. enforce these Terms of Service
7.4.3. respond to claims that any Contents or any part thereof violates the rights of third parties
7.4.4. protect the rights, property, or personal safety Samson, Samson members and the public
7.5. You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the Services, including the contents that you provide, may involve
7.5.1. transmissions over various networks
7.5.2. changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices

8.0. Warranties and limitation of liability
8.1. We warrant that we will exercise reasonable care and skills in performing our obligations under these terms and conditions.
8.2. In relation to use the platform/information, we do not warrant that:
8.2.1. The function contained in platform/information will meet your requirements
8.2.2. The operation of the platform/information will be uninterrupted
8.2.3. Any information transmitted through the platform will be transmitted in a timely manner
8.2.4. the platform/information is error free
8.2.5. the platform/information is free of viruses or other harmful threats. You shall be responsible for implementing all necessary security measures to protect your devices.
8.3. Partners, suppliers, and other relevant third-party suppliers/sellers of Samson have no authority, express or implies, to make any representation, warranty or statements on behalf of Samson.
8.4. Notwithstanding anything contained herein and to the maximum extent permitted by law and the Act:
8.4.1. the Platform and Services contained on, in, or available through the Platform and/or Services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and we hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions, including without limitation warranties as to fitness for purpose and non-infringement with respect to such Platform and Services save and except as otherwise expressly provided herein
8.4.2. in no event shall Samson or its affiliates be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive and/or consequential damages and/or loss of profit, goodwill, production and/or revenue and/or any other type of special losses and/or damages howsoever arising whether or not such losses and/or damages were reasonably foreseeable or Samson had been advised of the possibility of same incurring
8.5. Under no circumstances shall Samson, its related corporations and/or its affiliates be responsible or liable for any for any loss or damage, including but not limited to claims for lost profits or punitive, incidental, direct, indirect, special or consequential damages howsoever incurred by you or by any other party in respect of the provision of the Services or any matter connected with these Terms of Service even if Samson has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

9.0. Intellectual property
9.1. You acknowledge that the Samson’s platform, the Services and any software connected with both contain materials, including but not limited to codes, text and images which are protected by intellectual property and other applicable laws. You also acknowledge and agree that Samson, its related corporations and/or its affiliates have proprietary rights in the layout and design of this Samson platform.
9.2. You may use the Services and access the Samson platform only for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not re-sell access to any such content, information, data or materials or to make copies of, publish, distribute, reproduce, recompile, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, modify, upload to, transmit, alter, edit or in any other way exploit in any manner whatsoever any part of the Services and the Contents whether for sale or use to and by others for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written permission of Samson. You may make one print copy of any information for your own personal use provided that you will not delete any copyright or other intellectual property rights notices from any such printed copy of such electronically accessed Contents. If you wish to make commercial use of the platform or services, you must enter into an agreement with Samson in advance before you can do so.
9.3. You may not translate into another language any such portion of the Samson platform, the Contents, including that of Samson, its related corporations, partners, advertisers or affiliates for whatsoever purpose. You must enter into an agreement with Samson in advance before you can do so.
9.4. The Samson platform includes the trademarks, service marks and trade names which belong to Samson, its related corporations, its business partners, licensors and are either registered under applicable legislation or are otherwise protected by law. Unless otherwise indicated all such marks and names belong to Samson or its related corporations. For the avoidance of doubt, the Samson logo and any trade mark, trade name or service mark containing the word “Samson” belong to Samson Sdn Bhd. You may not display or use in any manner, Samson Marks nor any other logos, trademarks, service marks or trade names appearing on the Samson platform without Samson ‘s prior written permission.

10.0. Confidential information
10.1. “Confidential Information” means all information of any kind, whether in machine readable or visually readable form, oral or otherwise and whether or not labelled as “Confidential”, that are made available by or on behalf of the disclosing party to the receiving party for the purposes relating to or in connection with this Agreement. “Confidential Information” shall not include information that
10.1.1. was, at the time of its disclosure, already in the possession of the receiving party and such party can establish, through reasonably sufficient and credible competent evidence, such prior possession
10.1.2. is independently developed by the receiving party
10.1.3. is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a breach of this Agreement by the receiving party or its Representatives
10.1.4. becomes available to the receiving party on a non-confidential basis from a source other than the disclosing party or its Representatives; provided, however, that such source is not to the knowledge of the receiving party bound by a confidentiality agreement or other legal or fiduciary obligation of secrecy to the disclosing party.
10.2. The receiving party shall not disclose the Confidential Information or any part thereof to any person except
10.2.1. where such disclosure is required by law or the regulations of any securities exchange
10.2.2. to its/his/her respective employees, agents, service provider, personnel and/or legal, financial and/or accounting advisors who have a definite need to know such Confidential Information for the purpose of this Agreement
10.2.3. with prior written approval of the disclosing party
10.3. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, we shall be entitled to disclose your Information to the relevant seller/supplier/Partner (in connection with or participating in the Samson Programme) and service providers engaged by us for the purpose of this Agreement. You hereby consent and authorises us to forward your relevant Information to the relevant seller/supplier/Partner and service providers.
10.4. All Confidential Information shall solely be used for the purpose of this Agreement.

11.0. Indemnity
You agree to indemnify and hold us, our related corporations, contractors, successors, assigns, and third parties, and each of our and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents harmless from and against all loss, damages, claims, fines, penalties or expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising howsoever from or in connection with any breach, default, omission, misrepresentation, negligence, misconduct, non-observance and/or non-performance of this Agreement by you or on your part or of any other person for whose acts or omissions you are vicariously liable, whether in tort, contract or otherwise.

12.0. Termination and suspension
12.1. Without prejudice to any other right or remedy we may have under this Agreement or at law, we may immediately terminate this Agreement and/or your Membership if:
12.1.1. you are found to be in breach of any of these Terms and Conditions
12.1.2. you provide misleading information or makes any misrepresentations
12.1.3. you abuse any features made available to you through the Platform
12.1.4. you engage in any fraudulent activity
12.1.5. your Account has been dormant or inactive for a period of 1 year or more
12.2. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement and without prejudice to any other right or remedy we may have under this Agreement or at law, we reserve the right to immediately (with or without notice):
12.2.1. suspend, restrict or cease your access to the Account, the Platform and/or the Services or any part thereof
12.2.2. suspend, reverse or cancel any relevant transaction
12.2.3. suspend or deactivate your Membership
12.2.4. deduct your Points or refuse to record your Points
12.2.5. forfeit your Gift(s)
12.3. Samson shall have no liability or responsibility to you in any manner whatsoever if:
12.3.1. you are found to be in breach of any of these Terms and Conditions
12.3.2. we suspect, on reasonable grounds, that you have committed a breach of these Terms and Conditions
12.3.3. you are involved in or attempting to carry out any fraudulent or unlawful activities or acted in an inappropriate, abusive or hostile manner
12.3.4. we are of reasonable opinion that your use of the Platform and/or the Services: poses a security risk will cause disturbances to other users or otherwise cause any disturbances to us in providing any services to other third parties.
12.4. Upon the occurrence of any of the risks, breaches or events listed above, we shall be entitled (but not obliged) to carry out all necessary safety measures, investigation and steps to minimise, remedy or resolve such risks, breaches or events. We may refuse to restore your access or lift the suspension until we receive an assurance from you, in the format that we deem acceptable, that the said risks, breaches or events will be fully eliminated, remedied and/or resolved and that you will take all steps necessary to prevent the same from reoccurring. Without prejudice to our other rights and remedies under this Agreement or at law, in the event that any suspension continues for a period of thirty (30) days or more, we shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement and/or your Membership in the event that any of the said risks, breaches or events continue to exist or are not remedied/resolved.

13.0. Variation
We shall have the right at any time to add, delete, amend or modify this Agreement, or any part thereof, from time to time. Such addition, deletion, amendment or modification shall be effective immediately upon notice thereof, which may be given by means of, including, but not limited to, posting on the Platform, or by electronic or conventional mail, or by any other means by which you obtain notice thereof. You shall immediately notify us in the event that you are not agreeable to any such addition, deletion, amendment or modification, in which case we shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement and/or your Membership. Any use of the Platform and/or the Services by you after the issuance of such notice shall be deemed to constitute acceptance of this Agreement with such addition, deletion, amendment, or modification. We shall have the right at any time to change or discontinue any aspect or feature of the Platform and/or Services.

14.0. Availability of the platform and/or services
Maintenance, updating and/or upgrading works may be carried out on the Platform from time to time. The Platform and/or the Services may not be available during the maintenance, updating and/or upgrading works and we shall not be held responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever for such unavailability.

15.0. Governing law and jurisdiction
These Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of Malaysia. All disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Service shall be submitted to the courts of competent jurisdiction in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. If you are a foreign national, non-resident, or if you do not reside in Malaysia, you affirmatively agree to waive your right to file any action against Samson in any foreign venue or jurisdiction other than in Malaysia as set forth above.

16.0. Force majeure
Neither party shall be liable to the other party or be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of its obligations under this Agreement, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond the party’s reasonable control.

17.0. Severability
Any term, condition, stipulation, provision, covenant or undertaking (“Provision”, and any reference to Provision shall include any part thereof) contained in this Agreement which is illegal, invalid or unenforceable shall, to the maximum extent possible, continue to apply with the necessary modification in order that the Provision is legal, valid and enforceable provision which most closely reflects the original Provision. Subject to the foregoing, any Provision which is illegal, invalid or unenforceable shall be fully severable and ineffective to the extent of such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining Provisions contained in this Agreement (which shall not be affected by the illegal, invalid or unenforceable Provision or by its severance here from).

18.0. Waiver
Except as specifically permitted in these Terms of Service, no provision or condition of these Terms of Service can be, nor should be deemed to be, waived, altered, modified or amended unless agreed to in writing by Samson.
Any failure by Samson to enforce any term of these Terms of Service, or any forbearance, knowledge, acquiescence, delay or indulgence granted by Samson shall not be construed as a waiver of any of Samson ‘s rights under these Terms of Service.

19.0. Effect of invalidity
Each of the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service is severable and distinct from the others. If at any time any term or condition of these Terms of Service shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable by reason of any law, rule, administrative order or judicial decision by any court of competent jurisdiction, or regulatory organisation, agency or body, such invalidity or unenforceability shall attach only to such term or condition and the validity of the remaining terms and conditions shall not be affected or impaired thereby and these Terms of Service shall be carried out as if any such invalid or unenforceable term or condition were not contained herein.

20.0. Entire agreement
This Agreement (together with any documents referred to herein) constitutes the whole agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior agreements, understandings or arrangements between the parties, whether oral or in writing relating to the subject matter hereof and no representation, undertaking or promise shall be taken to have been given or be implied from anything said or written in negotiations between the parties prior to this Agreement except as set out in this Agreement.

21.0. Heading and descriptive
The heading of each term or condition herein is for descriptive purposes only and shall not be deemed to modify or qualify any of the rights or obligations set forth in each such term or condition.
By signing up as a member of Samson, I hereby give Samson Sdn Bhd my consent to verify, disclose and/or exchange information related to me with any third party at any time as deem proper in its absolute discretion.


Membership policy

1.1. Each member will be issued with a membership upon register through the Samson app.
1.2. The membership will be provided for free.
1.3. You shall immediately notify us in the event that your membership is lost or stolen. We shall entitle take safety measures including without limitation suspending your account upon being notified of such incident. You shall be responsible for safekeeping your membership account. We shall not be made liable or responsible for any and all liabilities, losses and/or damages that may be incurred and/or suffered by you as a result of you failing to keep safe your membership account.

Samson programme benefit policy

1. Collection of points

1.1. Points may be earned from purchases by the member of qualifying goods or services from a Partner or through other methods determined by us from time to time subject to change and to appoint selected Partner to offer Points to only specified groups of Members as part of any promotional and incentive programmes. Points may also be recorded in a Member’s Account in relation to promotional and incentive programmes.
1.2. We, together with the Partners, shall have the discretion to determine the “qualifying goods and services” from time to time and the number of Points that will be awarded and recorded in a Member’s Account for such purchases.
1.3. The Partners, the Points issuance rate, the Gifts and the Samson Programme Benefits may be updated and varied from time to time. You are responsible for reviewing the relevant rules and policies published by us on the Platform from time to time for the latest rules and policies.
1.4. Below are the methods to earn Points:
1.4.1. By presenting your membership account QR code and notifying the partner before the transaction in respect of the qualifying goods and services is concluded.
1.4.2. By quoting your membership number to the partner before the transaction in respect of the qualifying goods and services is concluded.
1.5. All contracts in connection with the qualifying goods and/or services made between you and the relevant Partner are strictly entered into between you and the relevant Partner to the full and absolute exclusion of us to the fullest extent permitted by law.

2. Points
2.1. Points may be used by Members to redeem Gifts. Points, and any rights they confer, cannot be sold, assigned or otherwise dealt with except in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
2.2. all Samson Programme Benefits are non-transferable and non-assignable to any third party.
2.3. Members may view their summary statement every calendar month setting out among others, opening Points balance and the Points transactions, redemption made, summary of total transactions, total Points collected and total Points redeemed, in respect of the previous calendar month through their member account from the app.
2.4. Disputes arising from or in connection with the Summary Statement shall be notified to us within one (1) month from the date the relevant Summary Statement has been uploaded to their member account for viewing. Members are requested to provide supporting documents wherever applicable to assist us in settling the dispute. The Summary Statement will otherwise be deemed to have been accepted by the Member. To the maximum extent permitted by law, our decision on any such dispute shall be final and binding save and except for any manifest error.

3. Points deduction and expiry
3.1. The number of Points published for a Gift that is redeemed by a Member will be deducted from the Points balance of the Member’s Account.
3.2. In the event where, there is any transaction in respect of the qualifying goods and/or services or in which the points are earned dispute, cancelled and thereafter reversed, we shall have the right to reverse the points awarded from the disputed or cancelled transaction.
3.3. Without prejudice to our other rights and remedies, we shall be entitled to deduct Points from the Points balance in a Member’s Account without notice in any of the following events:
3.3.1. any Points suspected to be fraudulently earned or recorded
3.3.2. any Points recorded in error
3.3.3. any Points relating to a transaction which is cancelled or reversed

Gift and redemption policy

1. redemption
1.1. Unless otherwise stated, redemption of Points can only be made by the Member through the redemption channels made available to you by us at our discretion. We shall be entitled to refuse the redemption of any Gifts or recall the redeemed Gifts if we have any reason to suspect that the Points were fraudulently accumulated by the Member or wrongly recorded.
1.2. Points cannot be redeemed until credited to the Member’s Account.
1.3. We reserve the right to adjust the Points required for redemption of the Gifts and the Gifts published on the Platform from time to time at our discretion.
1.4. Member will only be able to redeem the gifts with sufficient Points that is specific by us and he/she may do so using the various redemption methods and channels made available by us at our discretion. Once redemption has been accepted by us, such redemption may not be revoked, cancelled, returned or exchanged for no valid reason acceptable to us, and the affected Points may not be reinstated unless otherwise agreed by us.
1.5. For On-the-Spot redemption, Members are required to be present and must produce their Membership Account, Identity Card and PIN or code for verification purposes. Members are advised to examine the Gifts upon redemption.
1.6. We may vary or introduce other methods or channels of redemption from time to time
2. Gifts
2.1. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to vary, amend, remove or add any Gifts from time to time and the Gifts are subject to availability. Once redeemed, these Gifts cannot be revoked, cancelled, returned or exchanged, and Points will not be reinstated, for no valid reason
2.2. You shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the warranty card given by manufacturer in the event where the gifts may be provided with a warranty card.
2.3. Gifts may be subject to the terms and conditions relating to or attached to such Gifts and/or as mentioned in the current Gifts schedule as determined by the relevant participating outlet or Suppliers, including any ticket for airline travel. It is the Member’s responsibility to satisfy and comply with all such terms and conditions and it shall be the responsibility of the Member to bear all fees, costs and expenses incurred in respect of the Gifts.
3. Terms and condition for vouchers
3.1. Unless otherwise specified in the relevant certificates/vouchers, these terms and conditions shall apply to vouchers:
3.1.1. The vouchers are only valid for use in certain outlet or suppliers as stated on the voucher ands only on the specific matter mentioned therein
3.1.2. The vouchers are not transferrable or not exchangeable for cash.
3.1.3. The voucher shall be subject to the specific terms and conditions stipulated therein
3.1.4. in the event that an expiry date is stipulated, such voucher shall expire and be invalidated on the expiry date stipulated therein. Such expired voucher will not be extended and replaced
3.1.5. no Point(s) will be reinstated for any cancellation of or unutilised voucher which is redeemed by you
3.1.6. in the event where the voucher is in the form of cash vouchers, you shall pay the difference if purchase of goods or services exceeds the voucher face value. If the purchase amount is lesser than the voucher value, no payment will be made to you for the difference
3.1.7. it is your responsibility to make the necessary reservation (if required) with the participating outlets or Suppliers
3.1.8. you shall bear any costs and expenses which may be incurred in respect of the vouchers
3.1.9. for hotel vouchers, please note that hotel reservations are subject to room availability and it is your responsibility to ensure that the necessary arrangement is made with the relevant hotel. You may be required to pay a deposit to the relevant hotel. such deposit and all other charges (if any) shall be borne by you
3.1.10. you may be requested to present your identification documentation, the original voucher and Membership Card for redemption and verification
3.1.11. only original vouchers will be accepted. Participating outlets or Suppliers will not usually accept damaged, defaced or photocopied vouchers
3.1.12. the participating outlet or Supplier may be entitled to reject the voucher if it is forged, tampered or expired or where the verification process is unsuccessful
3.1.13. We or the participating outlets/Suppliers will not replace lost, stolen, damaged and expired vouchers
3.1.14. the voucher may not be used in conjunction with any promotions or special offers
3.1.15. the certificate/voucher shall further be subject to the terms and conditions governing the relevant services and/or goods determined by the Participating outlets or Suppliers.
3.2. Failure to comply with any of the above these terms and conditions may result in the vouchers to be void or the relevant Supplier’s or participating outlet’s refusal to accept the voucher. We shall not be responsible for any such failure and any disputes arising in connection with the failure to comply with any of the above terms and condition shall be resolved between you and the Supplier or the participating outlet. We may, but is not obliged to, assist you in resolving the dispute to the extent we deem appropriate.

Gift delivery policy

1.1. We will deliver the redeemed Gifts to the Members within 2 weeks upon confirmation of the redemption. In the event where there is changes in the delivery address, the Member shall promptly notify us to ensure that the Gift is delivered to the correct address.
1.2. Gifts will be delivered (at our discretion), to the address of the Member in our record or any other address specified and authorised by the Member (“Delivery Address”). Gifts will be delivered to the occupants at the Delivery Address, and where such Delivery Address is an office, to any personnel in the office. Delivery to the Delivery Address shall be deemed delivered to the Member if received by the occupants or personnel as aforesaid.
1.3. We will not deliver to PO Box addresses and addresses outside Malaysia. Member/recipient of the Gift(s) shall present identification documentation to the delivery personnel, failing which the delivery personnel shall have the right to refuse delivery and return the Gift to us as “unclaimed”. Recipients of the Gift are advised to examine the delivered Gifts upon receipt. If the Gift item is found to be faulty/damaged, the Member shall contact our Member Services Centre within 3 days from Gift receipt date. To the maximum extent permitted by law, any disputes raised after the expiry of a period deemed reasonable by us will not be entertained by us and the Members will be required to liaise directly with the respective Suppliers according to the warranty information.
1.4. Where installation is need for such gift, all such installation cost shall be borne by the members. Installation cost is excluded for all gifts
1.5. We shall be entitled to impose a separate delivery or courier charges or, where appropriate, deduct a set number of Points to account for delivery charges under the following circumstances:
1.5.1. Delivery to east Malaysia
1.5.2. Re-delivery of unclaimed gifts
1.5.3. Re-delivery of gift due to any other failed delivery reasons
1.6. In the event a Gift was collected by the Member at the Partner’s outlets, courier service outlets or our office, BLSB will not refund any delivery charges nor reinstate Points that have been deducted for delivery
1.7. All Gifts unclaimed after two (2) months from the redemption date will be forfeited and the Points used will not be reinstated.
1.8. It is the Member’s responsibility to check the status of delivery and to contact us if the Gift has not been received after one (1) month from redemption confirmation.
1.9. Time for delivery shall not be of the essence of the Agreement. Dates quoted for delivery are approximate only and we shall not be liable for any delay in delivery of the Gifts. We shall have the right to engage third party service provider to deliver the Gifts to you.